Art Integrated Learning with Science

Art Integrated learning
Art Integrated with Education helps a child apply art-based enquiry, investigation and exploration, critical thinking and creativity for a deeper understanding of the concepts/topics.
Art Integrated learning is a strong contender for experiential learning, as it enables the students to derive meaning and understanding, directly from the learning experience. Poster making can be used as one kind of art integration.
Posters can have quite a positive effect in the process of learning.
The best advantage of poster making is that it facilitates team work and understanding along with facilitating creative thinking and extensive research and reading. It provides students with an opportunity to learn by doing, in turn strengthening the learning.
Students are able to visually represent the key points and while presenting elaborate on the same which facilitates their retention and recall of events and facts. Apart from all such learning, art is a fantastic way to reduce stress, especially for students who just finished their board exams.
With all this in mind, Taurian Guidance Cell organized an art integrated poster making competition for Grades 6 to 12 on the occasion of Energy Conservation Day (i.e., 14th December).
It was organized under the guardianship of reverend principal Dr. Subhash Kumar.
This competition is a perfect example of integration of science with arts. Students learned different aspects of energy conservation as they showed their creativity. It was perfectly delineated by Mr Vijay Sinha and Ms. Komal Kriti.
Competition was organised in two categories:
Category 1 – Grade 6 – 7
Category 2 – Grade 8-9
Category 3 – Grade 10-12
Master of Ceremony of the event was – Shreyas Karna Grade-11. Three judges (Ms. Sweta Chopra, Ms. Sujata Singh and Ms. Pooja Rai) were present.
The competition concluded with our honorable principal sir motivating the students and asking them about their experience about the competition.
The category-wise winners of the competition were:
Grade 6-7
- Samridhi tiwari
- Sanika karna
- Pratap jay shanker
Grade 8-9
- Soni Kumari
- Vimla kumari
- Ishan kalindi
Grade 10-12
- Vansh Kirti Kujur
- Antra Chawla
- Aprajita Singh