

Students from Taurian World School’s Commerce stream have clinched the 1st position at the renowned inter-school commerce festival, "Biz Gala," held at DPS Ranchi. This prestigious event saw fierce competition from 50 schools, but under...

Academic Excellence Introduction: At Taurian World School, we believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals, and academic excellence is at the core of our mission. Recently, Dr. Subhash Kumar, our esteemed Principal, engaged in a productive and insightful discussion...

A special assembly A special assembly was held on 3rd April 2023 to welcome the new session 2023-24 and was attended by the whole school. The assembly began with a school prayer, followed by a special musical...

12TH ANNUAL DAY –SYMPHONY NIGHT AT TWS   The students of Taurian World School,Ranchi took great pride in celebrating their 12th Annual Day –SYMPHONY NIGHT on 22nd December 2022. Symphony Night at Taurian World School is the culmination...

SPIC MACAY FESTIVAL 2022   A Rajasthani Folk Dance & Kalbelia Gypsy Dance performance under the aegis of Spic Macay took place on 17th December, 2022 at 11: 30 a.m. in the Amphitheatre of Taurian World School,...

TWS ORGANIZED AN INTER SCHOOL SCIENCE DEBATE COMPETITION   Taurian World School in association with Taurian Guidance Cell organized an Inter School Science Debate Competition “Rhetorician Conclave” on Saturday 3rd December 2022 where 14 schools participated from...

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