Founder’s Day 2022

Founders’ Day is traditionally a very important day in the school calendar when members of the school community meet to commemorate the ones who founded the school and who have bequeathed resources to its development.
It is the day when a thought, a philosophy or a vision is transformed into concrete reality. The philosophy becomes the guiding star for the institution to take form, grow and become an invincible reality as the Chairman Shri Amith Bajla laid the foundation stone of Taurian World School in 2008 with a vision to become the leading scholastic institution, by providing holistic education to our students.
To mark the day, the students and the teachers dressed up in their best attire and celebrated the founder’s day with great fervor and zeal. A special assembly was conducted were a plethora of activities were showcased by the students.
We also had amongst us the children of the India Evangelistic Crusade Society, a non-organization formed to serve destitute orphans and underprivileged children.
The event commenced with a Prayer song by Mr. Biman Mazumdar followed by a prayer led by Ishan Kalindi and a special prayer for our Chairman by Harsh. Thought of the day was presented by Gauri Archita followed by the Word of the Day by Aditi.
Samridhi sent a special message and wishes to our beloved Chairman. Rakshita rocked us with her marvelous voice followed by another Special song by Mr. Biman and a group dance. Anchoring was done by Jasreet Kaur.
Principal Dr. Subhash Kumar in his concluding speech encouraged the students by telling them that our Chairman has created a space for learning. Now it is the duty of each and every student to use the resources and excel.
The event ended with planting of trees by the children from (IEC) and our hostel students.