Grade 4 – Maths Activity on Place Value
“The only way to learn mathematics is by doing mathematics” – Paul Halmos
Following the saying, the students of Grade 4 under the supervision of their teacher, Ms.Taniya Ghosh participated and performed few activities based on the concept of Place value and comparison of numbers. They used the Maan cards (Place value cards) of Jodo Gyan to strengthen their understanding on these mathematical concepts. Students were given different numbers orally and were asked to combine the cards of different place value together to form the final number. This activity helped them to visualise the numbers in expanded form. It also helped them to improve their thinking and organisational skill.
In another activity they worked in groups using the digit cards. The aim was to win the game by forming the largest number possible using 4 digit cards. This activity helped them to understand the fact of how different numbers can be formed using the same digits and how to form the largest number using the same by comparing it with the rest of the numbers. Activities like these help them to apply their knowledge and understanding practically which in turn gives them an opportunity to understand the underlying concept behind each mathematical work.