
Grade 4 : UOI Unit 1 Activities

Beliefs have the power to create and the right perspectives make the impossible possible.

The first unit of UOI in Grade 4 was ‘Beliefs and Perspectives’ where the students learnt about the different world religions, its beliefs and perspectives and the need to co-operate with others.

The last week before the summer break was a week of activities conducted by Mrs. Nirmala Bhagat, that summarised their learning and made the subject matter more effective.

On 1 May, Monday the children did an activity of cutting pictures, pasting and naming the different religious symbols, the places of worship and the founders of the World Religions.

This was followed by a mind mapping activity on 2 May, Tuesday where the students explained their understanding of the topic through mind maps.

The next activity was an oral group presentation with the help of Quantum Cards on 3 May, Wednseday. The children were divided into five groups and each group spoke on one religion – Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Christianity and Sikhism respectively.

The last group activity was collage making, done on 4 May, Thursday.

All these activities enhanced the learning, built up team spirit and cooperation and helped the students visualise the topic. It was very satisfying seeing the happy faces, the effort put in and the urge to make their work the best.     ​

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