Grade 8 :: A Visit to TWS Organic Farm to learn Crop Production

It was the first day of our new session 2019-20 where students of Grade 8 were taken as a field trip to the School’s Organic farm to study best practices used in the field of agriculture under their learning topic “Crop Production”.
Agriculture is the world’s largest and most important industry.
Children could differentiate between the primitive method and the latest method in the field of agriculture.
They understood how latest technologies helped to raise the production of crops.
They were shown types of crops grown in the campus, important tools, new method of irrigation, and a special system that needs to be programmed to irritate and spray fertilizers and manure automatically.
Our school is the only one who have this system in entire Eastern India.
These are the advancements helped to reduce work pressure which gives better yield.
It was great learning and fun for children.