
InterHouse English Debate Competition “Face to Face” for Pinnacle II

An Interhouse English Debate Competition was held at our school premises today for Grade 3, 4 and 5. The topic of the debate was “What is the need to have Olympics?” 

The speakers for the motion were :-

1. Rajveer Panjiyar – 5A 

2. Parth Sarthi – 5B

3. Jai Arya – 5B 

4. Ananya Jhawar – 4A 

The speakers against the motion were:-

1. Malak Hasan Khan – 5A

2. Pavneet Singh Dua – 5A

3. Renae Kaur Sidhu – 5A

4. Sanika Karna – 5A

The president of the debate was Sampurn Mukherjee (Grade 3A), the chairperson was Ramdhan Sarawgi (Grade 3A) and the time keepers were Rishabh Vaibhav Lohot (Grade 5A) and Aryan Chaudhary (Grade 3A).

The teams were well prepared and they used various skills like, over statements,  definitions, irony etc., to convince the audience.  The participants were armed with statistics, data validated and made their arguments more empathetic with right facial expressions and gestures. 

The winners of the competition were:-

Malak Hasan Khan – First Place

Ananya Jhawar – Second Place and

Sanika Karna – Third Place

The jury members were Mr. Partha Banerjee and Ms. Nidhi Nupur , both  from TWS , and Mr. Vikas Kumar, co-founder Outdoors Learning & Development.

All Photos & Videos can be accessed by clicking this link:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JHYXMZQwR1BTb486Bn1oI-VMbfIlQBUa?usp=sharing

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