Workshop on Inclusive Education & Adolescence conducted on 6th and 7th June 2018

Personality Development
A Professional Development Workshop on ‘Inclusive Education & Adolescence’ was conducted for All the Academic Staff including the Hostel Wardens, Medical Department, Library, Sports, Music, Arts & Dance Department, Security, Transport and F&B Department on 6th & 7th June 2018 in the School’s Assembly Hall.
The resource person who conducted the sessions was Ms. Salony Priya, Director, UMMEED Counselling & Consulting Services.
6th June 2018
The first day was about creating a child centric learning behavior environment which depends on 3 major factors i.e. Relationship with Self (emotional well being), Relationship with People (social well being) and Relationship with Curriculum (cognitive well being).
Other factors which play a supporting role are family, culture, community, school policy, educational services and school ethos. Rita Pearson’s video on how to create a positive environment in the classroom was an eye opener for all.
It also raised a pertinent question as how best can a academician prepare the students for a future which is so rapidly changing and is unknown to them as well.
In such cases it becomes extremely important for the educator to impart the life skills which will be the greatest assets for the students to face the challenges that this ever changing world will present to them.
Ms. Salony also discussed about the Child Rights and ensuring physical and emotional safety of the students at school.
She also highlighted that the general perception and understanding about this right is limited to RTE- and that too that teachers have to pass the students even though they are not doing well.
She shared that RTE has been formulated to ensure that children’s rights are safeguarded as they are the most vulnerable. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand the Rights of children and give them what they deserve.
She then brought to everyone’s notice that there are many NGOs and helplines available to render any kind of help to children. Different protective rules like – POCSO which are in place to ensure appropriate actions were also shared.
She also conducted an activity based on different classroom situations. The teachers worked in groups and presented an action plan for the situations given to them.
The situations given were very real in nature and general phenomena in the classroom.
This helped them identify different action plans to respond. She also highlighted that it’s necessary that a teacher understands the issue and RESPONDS to such situations in an amicable way.
7TH June 2018
The second day focused on the topic ‘Adolescence’ which was attended mainly by the Hostel Wardens, Medical Department, Library, Sports, Music, Arts & Dance Department, Security, Transport and F&B Department.
This session was taken by both Ms. Salony Priya and our School Counsellor Mrs. Tanushree Sengupta.
The main areas covered were Gaining Compliance and helping the children to develop Self-Management of their behavior, Counselling Adolescents & Ummeed’s holistic intervention with Adolescents.
Both the days were empowering and informative and we plan to conduct many such sessions in future too.