Pragmatic Learning – Saturday Activities of Classes VI to VIII (14th April 2018)

Saturday Activities of Grade VI to VIII
Students were also briefed as how to fill up the OMR answer sheets.
Concept tests are short, informal, targeted diagnostic tests that are administered to help teachers gauge the understanding of key concepts by individual students.
They are used both to assess students’ prior knowledge (coming into a course or unit) or their understanding of content in the current course. It also helps the teacher to diagnose the students’ ability and help them further.
Students enjoyed sports for two periods after the test followed by DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read). They were taken to library where they selected the books of their choice and read them for 35 minutes.
The objective to conduct this activity is to activate and instill reading habit within the students which builds their vocabulary and understanding of the language.
After lunch the students enjoyed an interesting and exciting Quiz Session conducted by Mr. Sarbajit Sengupta (Geography Teacher) on topics right from subjects like Geography, History, English to Sobriquets, Acronyms, Sports, Music and Media.
The day ended with the special assembly which was scheduled to inaugurate “Taurian Literary Quest” which will be celebrated throughout the next week.