Professional Development Day Workshop on Relationship – Personal, Interpersonal and Professional

Just before the start of the 2nd term of the academic session 2017-18, a Professional Development Day workshop was conducted on Saturday 28th October, 2017. The theme of the workshop was “Relationship – Personal, Interpersonal and Professional.
The session began with the Music Department playing the School prayer song followed by a bhajan “Baje Muraliya Baje” which left everyone mesmerized in the Assembly Hall. Our primary teacher Ms. Anupa Kerketta shared her birthday on this day too.
Our Principal, Dr. Subhash Kumar, then took the stage and asked the attendees the difference between personal, interpersonal and professional. Everyone present there shared their thoughts. Then he compared relationships to Venn Diagrams which are learnt in Mathematics. For a good personal and professional relationship, we should have strong and healthy interpersonal skills. He also spoke about:
- Building great work relationship by making work more enjoyable. For this, we should have a friend who has common thoughts which will most likely increase our commitment by 7 times.
- We should have a good relationship to be happier and the more we are happy, the more productive we become.
- Defining a good relationship by trusting oneself, trusting others, mutual respect to one another, mindfulness and carefulness, welcoming diversity and open communication.
- To build good relationship, we should identify the needs, schedule time to build, appreciate one another, be positive, listen actively to others, manage boundaries and avoid gossiping.
- Lastly he concluded the presentation with a quote by Mr. Elder M. Russel Ballard, “Great things are brought about, and burdens are lightened, through the efforts of many hands, anxiously engaged in a good cause”
An inspirational video was also shown by Mr. Vijay Paul, Middle School Coordinator on how to be a great teacher, to seek happiness from a child, to love a child, to appreciate them in front of others and find faults when alone.
The second part of the session was conducted by Ms. Tanushree Sengupta which was based on Interpersonal Relationships of a Student and Teacher. She focused on creating positive connections and how to do parenting to form a firm bond between a child and a teacher.
She carried out two activities and also explained about the individual connections and connections among the group of people where they shared common thoughts, common relationships, common likings and more.
She showed a video which contained a powerful message through the following quote, “When You’re Accustomed to Privilege, Equality Feels like Oppression”. Privilege is when you think something is not a problem because it’s not a problem to you personally. By quoting the above she described how humanity is above all.
She also spoke about parenting and how happiness is a skill to be taught to our children. She focused on nurturing a child through our senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching) and how it plays a vital role in holding a good relationship. She then spoke about the 5 steps to behavioral coaching and how 9 minutes a day given to a child can have a great impact on their relationship.
The sessions provided valuable insights to our staff; they found them extremely stimulating and rejuvenating. A vote of thanks was given by our Sr. Secondary School Coordinator, Mr. Pradeep Kumar and the session came to an end by a melodious note by the Music Department.