
Scholastic Reading Programme

It was a November Friday. The sun was out, but there was a slight nip in the air – a gentle reminder that winter was just around the corner.

Taurian World School’s green lush open campus was the perfect setting for savouring the pleasure of reading.

Our students were invited by Scholastic India to participate in and celebrate the pleasures of reading through the activity “One Nation Reading Together” on 30th November 2018.

The activity was simultaneously conducted in approximately 6000 schools over the country where children spent 30 minutes reading for fun and participating in other activities that celebrate reading as a pleasurable and enriching experience.

The event began with the reading of the pledge which was written by the celebrated and award – winning author Paro Anand.

The activity was followed by the students expressing their artistic expressions on the graffiti wall.

Students made some striking, vivid, thought provoking and visually attractive graffiti that adorned the graffiti walls.

A few classes enjoyed read story books of their  choice in the warmth of the sun. They thoroughly enjoyed the activities using their energy and interests positively.

Photos are attached for reference.

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