Scholastic Workshop for Teachers
Our teachers got an opportunity to attend a workshop on Paradigm Shift in Teaching Methodologies and Building Mathematical Concepts and Teaching Phonics on 2nd February 2019. The resource person was Ms. Chitralekha Bhaskar from Scholastic India.
It was an interesting session where teachers learnt new methods and strategies of teaching language and grammar.
She gave new insights about the changes in teaching techniques and how to implement them in their classes.
She spoke about 6 steps to ACE grammar, Inductive approach to learning and lack of communication amongst the students.
She emphasised on reading like DEAR TIME.
She taught us how to write a paragraph through Relay Method and story writing through Folded paper writing.
The 2nd session was mainly for primary section, where she discussed on how to be magical with mathematics, importance of Zero and how to use Bar Model Methods while teaching fractions, times and solving problems.
Over all, both the sessions motivated teachers who inspire young minds towards reading and related endeavours.