Taurian World School receives India’s Best Boarding School Award and also Ranked 3rd among Top 50 schools
Greetings from Taurian World School!
It was a moment of pride and honour for us yesterday (December 9, 2017) when Taurian World School was bestowed with India’s Best Boarding School – Jury’s Choice Award by India School Merit Awards at a function held in The Chancery Hotel, Bangalore organized by Education Today Magazine.
Our beloved Principal Dr. Subhash Kumar was present at the function to receive this prestigious award. Our school was also ranked 3rd among India’s Top 50 Boarding Schools.
It was also a moment of privilege when, Dr. Subhash Kumar was chosen and felicitated as a panellist for a panel discussion on – Politicising Education – Administration and Academics at the 5th National Conference on K12 Leadership which preceded the award function.
Some photos have been attached for you to witness the proud moments.