Training on “Personal effectiveness through Self Awareness”
Self awareness is importantbecause when we have a better understanding of ourselves, we are able to experience ourselves as unique and separate individuals. We are then empowered to make changes and to build on our areas of strength as well as identify areas where we would like to make improvements. So by improving our self awareness we become more effective and productive. Our Taurian Learning Lab organized a training “Personal effectiveness through Self Awareness” conducted by Ms. Tanushree Sengupta, Counsellor, for administrative staff and wardens to support them in understanding and increasing their professional efficiency.
Do you want to become more effective and productive? How aware are you currently of your own thoughts and feelings? What about your skills and abilities, or your attitude or behaviours? Is what you think about yourself and your behaviours the same as how others see you and your behaviours? These are some important questions we took a look at in the training using the Johari Window.
The Johari Window is a useful tool for helping you build self-awareness and gain an understanding of how others perceive you. For understanding and training: self-awareness, personal development, improving communications, interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, team development; and inter group relationships.
The importance of feedback, which is required to minimize the blind spot (things unknown to yourself – known to others) was demonstrated through practical examples and diagrams. The presentation also discussed the factors behind success. Understand Your Paradigms? How You View Things “You Always Get More of Whatever You FOCUS On” ,Learning to differentiate between being effective and efficient. Increase ones efficiency through proper planning, mapping and execution. How to understand and prioritize the between work that is urgent, not urgent, important and not important.
It was a very useful and important session which was highly appreciated by the team.