TWS NCC Indoor Rifle Shooting Practice Camp in Morahbadi

At Taurian we are always ready to fulfill the dreams and aspiration of our children by giving them opportunities to participate in various activities.
On Sunday, 25th June 2017, our NCC Cadets attended an indoor rifle shooting practice camp in 3 Jharkhand Bn, NCC, Morahbadi, Ranchi organized by 19 Jharkhand Bn. NCC, Ranchi.
Learning to handle and shoot the Rifle is one of the important trainings which makes the NCC experience complete. This was possible for our 47 NCC Cadets, who under the guidance of Army officer Col. Amit Dungwal, PI Staff Hwaldar Prabhu Prakash Xalxo, 19 Jhar. Bn,Hwaldar Prahlad gope 3 Jhar.Bn. NCC, ANO J.P. Pandey (Bokaro Ispat Vidhayalya) F.O. G.C. Nayak (Indal Plus Two High School, Muri) and Mr. Sujeet Kumar Singh, NCC ANO, had the opportunity to fire a .22 Rifle in the camp.
The following students did very well and shot in the group range 1.5 cm.
Kshitiz Singh of class X
- Rustam of class IX
Premaankit Das of class VIII
Venu Gopal of Class VIII
In this camp our Cadets learned that for perfect grouping on target a cadet needs concentration and must keep the arm and gun steady. For our new enrolled cadets, it was like an adventure. They were excited and enjoyed learning to handle and shoot from the rifle for the first time in their life.
We express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the Principal, Coordinators, and concerned Medical, Pastoral, F&B and Transport staff for their whole hearted support.