Annual Horse Show “Equines” 2020 and End of Unit Celebration conducted today

End of Unit Celebration
Taurian World School conducted the End of Unit Celebration for the Primary Students and the phenomenal Annual Mega Horse Show “Equines” 2020 on 18th January 2020 which was put up by Junior and the Senior students.
It was a moment of pride to witness the term end “End- Of-Unit Celebration” where a wonderful presentation was put up by the students of Grade LKG to 5 on their learning. Parents were a part of the celebrations too.
It was such a joy and thrill to witness the young ones showcasing their learning and exploring in different ways.
To give an additional edge to the celebrations, the 3rd Annual Mega Horse Show “Equines 2020” was held, where huge crowd gathered near our sports block to see our young jockeys put up a spectacular show.
From Trotting and Canter to Vaulting and Show Jumping, these enthusiastic riders were no less than the experienced jockeys we normally see on television. Overall, both events were a grand success.
Photos and Videos of both the events can be accessed through the following link: