
Hostel Assembly celebrated on 18th August 2018

Hostel Assembly

With the aim of appreciating the winners for their performances in the hostels in order to grab the title in various categories (i.e., Student of the month, Upcoming Star of the Hostel, Quality Improvement etc) and to emphasize, promote and refine the communication skills of the hostellites, Taurian World School organizes Hostel Assembly every month.

One such assembly was organized on Saturday, 18thĀ Aug 2018 in the Assembly Hall.

The assembly began with the school prayer by Ms Jyoti Kumari of Grade V who was also the anchor for the evening.

The Enthusiastic Boarders showcased their public speaking skills in different topicsĀ with amazing confidence. The audiences were awestruck by the positive attitude, smartness and the way they delivered the speech.

The speeches were followed by distribution of Certificates of Appreciation to the winners of the month by our Principal.

The boarders were very excited and this kind of recognition awards will boost the others to perform much better and also will help the winners keep up the consistency of their performance.

Mr. Rajeev Ranjan, the Boarding Coordinator in his encouraging speech touched upon ethics to be followed inside the hostel and intolerance of not following the same.

He also encouraged other students to learn from the winners and keep them as role models in moldingĀ themselves for their betterment in particular and school in general.

He then, congratulated the winners of the month before wrapping up his speech.

Finally, the evening ended with Our Principal Dr Subhash Kumar sharing a very motivational speech with the gathering which energized them followingĀ the birthday celebration of Mast. Aditya Kumar of Grade II where the students enjoyed singing and celebrating as their own.Ā 

The boarders then had a sumptuous dinner with a variety of delicacies.Ā 

Winners of this month are as follows:

Hostel Student of the month Upcoming star of the month Quality improvement
Hostel A Jyoti Kumari Berkha Rai Deepika Tudu
Hostel E Siddharth Mog Priyanshu Kumar Aditya Raj
Hostel F Vishal Kumar Aditya Andrew Solomon Adarsh Raj
Hostel G Kanha Shrey Subhojit Podder Vinit Kumar
Hostel H Priyanshu Kumar Aryan Abhishek Shubham Santhalia
Hostel I Harshit Kumar Shraish Sharman Adarsh Kumar


More photos and Videos can be accessed by clicking here:Ā Ā https://goo.gl/4FGeUn


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