The role of indicators in our daily life and in chemistry is to detect the characteristics properties of the given substance.
When the colour of the solution changes, it indicates that the concentration of the chemical has reached a critical range.
This change in colour is possible with the help of indicators.
This property of indicators can also be used in identifying trends in an experiment and highlighting problems to avoid to reach the desired results.
One such experiment was conducted by Grade 10 students under the supervision of their teacher Mr. Supriya Kundu.
The student learnt how Indicators are used in the laboratories and in daily life.
We make a cup of tea, we work in the garden, we have a bowl of cereal and throw some blueberries on it, or we may go to the chemistry lab and do an experiment to identify some of the properties of household substances using indicator solutions. Moreover they also learnt that indicators are also used for
Soil testing
Before people plant gardens, they usually take a closer look at the soil to see if it’s acidic or basic. There are soil-testing kits that utilise pH strips or pH metres and can give the gardener a good idea of his or her soil’s pH
Swimming Pools
Another important place where the pH should be monitored is in swimming pools. If the water is too acidic or too basic, problems can arise. For example, the swimmer may experience eye or mouth burning, parts of the pool might corrode, the water may get cloudy, and the chlorine will not be as effective