Sr. Secondary Section: Taurian Capacity Building Programme : 1st July 2017

the Senior Secondary Section (Grades IX – XI) embarked on a new initiative ‘Taurian Capacity Building Programme’ on 1st July, 2017. Several motivational topics and interactive sessions were covered, such as:
- A new vision of value education “The Awakened Citizen Programme on Life Skills’ based on Swami Vivekananda’s vision of “ Infinite Human Possibilities”. According to him every human being within themselves carries a source of infinite strength, infinite goodness, and infinite possibilities and the application of 3H Programme.
The program was led by Teacher In-Charge, Mr. Durgesh Singh & Ms. Sugita Mukhopadhay. A powerpoint presentation was shown to the students following which the students participated in different situational roles assigned to them. It was a very lively and inter-active session which helped the students feel and express the infinite possibilities within themselves, possibilities that would help them reach greater heights in their lives. The moral is to impart in their minds the idea “I can” and should not run away from the challenges faced in our lives.
- TED Talk – a motivational exercise led by Teacher In-Charge Ms. Chandramukhi Singh & Mr. Talkeen Danish. A short film that discussed “the interesting story of our educational system” conducted by the speaker Aditya Aiyar, an ex- IITian was screened. The motivational talk spoke about Identity of Engineers and the future, How English plays a role in helping communication skills, India’s contribution to the American dream, Love your job, be creative and Change the education system – to create movers and shakers. The session involved a half-hour exchange of ideas and individual opinions. A questionnaire was also given to help the students recollect instances from the talk and to encourage food for thought.
- Discussion on GST Bill led by Teacher In-Charge – Mr. Pradeep Mishra, Rashmi Sharma & Juhi Chirania, was conducted for Grade XI students to make them aware of the latest economic change The various types of taxes including the imposition of goods and service tax (GST) were discussed. This session helped students become more aware about the Indian economy and effects of taxes on the people (the common man, businessmen, farmers, traders etc.)
IT Skill Development led by Teacher In-Charge – Mr. Surjo Shekhar Das, was conducted for Grade XI students. The session focused on handing email communication in our day to day life, such as Sending Emails, Formatting Emails, Email Attachments, To, From, CC, BCc, RR, Subject & Email Considerations. The objectives of the session were to make them understand the basic formats and the Do’s and Don’ts to make it effective and an impression on the recipient.
- Writing Skills led by Teacher In-Charge – Mr. Talkeen Danish, was conducted for Grade XII students. The session focused on how to improve writing skills in reference to official/business letters. The objective of the session was to educate students what expressions to use/avoid while writing to make the letter attractive. The students learned to use various expressions related to introducing an organization, enquiring about something, how to tell what is the requirement from where have they got the information and how to reply in different contexts.
- Performance Analysis (Part-A Exam) led by the Principal, the Sr. Secondary Academic Co-coordinator and all the subject teachers. The session was based on the Grade XII students’ performance in the part ‘A’ exam on a one to one case analysis to determine each student’s strength, area for improvement and strategies to be implemented by the student(s) with the support of teachers to enhance their performance. The session also stressed on the importance and expectation from students to maintain guidelines within the CBSE time frame for the board exam.
Diagnostic Test led by Teacher In-Charge – Mr. Kaifee Azam & Mr. Harsha Purtipli. The students of Grade X were given a test in Maths and Science to check the understanding of their basic concepts from the chapters taught so far. This helped the teachers to develop a strategy for each student to help them to improve their performance. The students enjoyed solving the problems of Math and MCQ`s in Science, they also started reasoning and answering.
- Science Lab Activities led by Teacher In-Charge –Mr. Harsha Purtipli, Mr. Himanshu Gupta, Ms. Priyanka Shukla & Mr. Kaifee for students of Grade IX & X
The following activities were demonstrated in the Chemistry lab:
- What happens when acid reacts with a metal?
- When sodium reacts with water?
- Chemicals that can/cannot be used for cleaning ornaments
- The parts of a flame when the gas is burnt using a Bunsen burner?
The students were also engaged with hands-on experiments in biology to create interest in the application based learning in biology. During this session the students learned the proper use of biological equipments and understood the use of models, specimens & slides along with the proper use of microscope.