
The Mughal Period – Firoz Shah Tughluq

One of the most important parts of the Project based learning approach is forming the school as a real life. As the students realize what works good or not through their learning experiences, they become better reflectors of their own life. The students feel glad with the projects, because they make their own choices, the projects belong to themselves and they can correlate with their own life.

The teaching of history becomes real when the students are given activities which involves them in experiential learning. The students of Grade 7 were divided into two groups. The first group was asked to make a PowerPoint presentation on any one town founded by Firoz Shah Tughluq. They had to do research work based on the location, culture and historical importance of the place.

They had to do research work based on the location, culture and historical importance of the place. In doing this research work they came to know more about the historical importance of these cities and the legacy that these cities carry.


The second group worked upon their imagination and creativity of being a Mughal ruler and creating token currencies for promoting trade and commerce in its kingdom. This activity gave them an insight upon the inscriptions found on coins.

 The students enjoyed doing this activity and got a deeper insight into the life during the Mughal Period.


Middle School

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