75th Independence Day Celebrations at Taurian World School

Independence Day has a special place in the heart of every Indian. Not only does it symbolizes the celebration of wonderful years of freedom but also extends an emphatic message of the progressive future of our country.
The 75th Independence Day of our motherland India, was celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor at Taurian World School.
The school, decorated with tricolor flags welcomed the eyes of all to the function. The students too came in neat school uniforms.
The ceremony started with the unfurling of the tricolor flag by the Principal of the School, Dr. Subhash Kumar to commemorate the sovereignty of our Nation, followed by the National Anthem which was sung in unison by all, clearly expressing the joy of freedom in everyone’s face.
Dr. Subhash Kumar in his speech said that Freedom does not come easily and we should all be indebted to our national heroes who made this country what it is today. As patriotic citizens, he encouraged everyone to put extra effort into performing civic responsibilities and work together to build a resilient and thriving nation.
Tiranga March
The students along with the staff then took part in a Tricolor Rally (Tiranga March) covering the whole school campus as part of a broader scope i.e., “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” an initiative of the Government of India to commemorate the platinum jubilee of our Independence.
Taurian World School is not just meant to enhance academic knowledge but also to infuse sterling qualities of head and heart. With Independence Day, there was not a better way to inculcate the feeling of patriotism than by organizing competition based on love for our motherland.
Inter-house Solo Singing Competition
An Interhouse Solo Singing competition was also part of the day’s event where the students, teachers and the staff paid their respect to the tricolor and sang different songs showing their love and patriotism to their county.
Pari, a class UKG student, started the event by dedicating a prayer to the heroes who sacrificed their lives for our country. Without any further ado, the Primary school regaled the assembled gathering with their soulful numbers, followed by the Middle and Senior School respectively. A special performance by Pre-Primary was a delight for everyone. It was inspiring to see small children performing to the beat and rhythm of the various patriotic numbers and coming up with memorable performances bound to touch the audience as they sat spellbound by the proceedings.
Dr. Subhash Kumar, in his concluding speech appreciated the diligence of the teachers and of the participants. He emphasized on the need to love one’s nation as a prerequisite for being a good citizen while congratulating everyone for putting in their best possible efforts.
The day ended with everyone in the auditorium singing “Suno Gaur se”.
More Photos & Videos can be accessed through the following link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1R3DL6dIYKHP8AG3AdTGzvT1rESvSQmws?usp=sharing