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Back to Taurian World School

Starting a new school year is always full of emotions and especially during a pandemic.

Children in every city or village were looking forward to meet their friends and teachers in person.

The start of the school year is overwhelming than ever before. It can easily be observed the mixed feelings of excitement, joy and confusion among the students, parents, and teachers at Taurian World School.

In the morning on the first day of the school, students gathered in the assembly hall where teachers conducted the assembly. The first day back in the school was unusual and emotional for both stduents and teachers.

The students did not go straight to regular classes but they were asked to make stories and poem in groups in both verbal and written form. Few activities like Hopscotch and race were organized for the students where they enjoyed every bit of it. The purpose of conducting activities on the first day was to give them a little time to get back on track and mix well with their friends whom they did not meet for a very long time.  The students were full excited, they spoke about the importance of staying together and performing own parts with ease and care.

Students felt a great thrill to get back to the old days in a new form.

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