PTM ‘CONNECT 1’ :: 14th July 2017

It was a delightful day to see the smiles on the faces of the parents, students and teachers on 14th July during the Parent-Teacher Meeting – ‘CONNECT’, which added fragrance to the blissful environment of TWS.
CONNECT provides a wonderful opportunity to extend lines of communication between home and school, keeps parents informed about their children’s progress—both academic and social—and for developing cooperative strategies that can ultimately benefit every student.
The day started with a wonderful assembly for parents followed by the launch of Taurian Communicators’ Meet. The parents then moved to the Physics, Chemistry and Biology lab to witness the experiments and activity done by the students of Grade IX to XII. Next was the discussion with teachers about the performance and progress of the students during the first quarter of the year. The students of Grade VI to VIII demonstrated Subject Presentation, Science Experiments and Art Exhibition.
The participation of parents in the experiments and activities was nostalgic and it brought back fond memories of their school days.
The school strives to excel further to keep its students, parents and teachers smiling!!